How to counteract hair fall.


How to counteract hair fall.
In autumn, not only trees shed their leaves, but people also face the common problem of hair loss.

How to counteract hair fall.

We recommend a method that is definitely worth trying, namely the massage of your own head.
It is well known that hair loss is often caused by poor blood circulation in the head. However, many people have achieved significant improvement by massaging their scalp for a few minutes a day.

Still, there are some people who hate scalp massage because they think the hair will be greasier than before. But many people have experienced the positive effects of scalp massage, which also helps maintain a healthy and natural scalp tone.

If you have decided to give your scalp a chance and massage it, here are some tips on how to do it most effectively.

It is recommended to perform each sequence of movements at least 10 times in a row:
(you can repeat the sequence several times a day.)

1.) Stretch your hair from the roots of your forehead and temples, towards the bottom of your hairline. Move your fingertips in a straight motion, gently pressing them against your scalp.
2.) Massage the scalp in circular motions, starting from the hair roots on the forehead, towards the back of the scalp.
3.) Massage the scalp in a circular motion, starting at the hair roots on the forehead and temples.
4.) Lower your head and gently massage the scalp as you move your fingers from the neck upwards.
5.) Gently press your fingers against the scalp, moving them from the hair roots on the forehead and temples towards the base of the hairline.

If you choose to use an oil when massaging your scalp, its active ingredients will be absorbed into your scalp and have beneficial effects on your hair.
You can also use Lavyl Body, you may be surprised by its effect.

After the massage, you can finish the treatment by pampering your scalp with your favourite Lavylites hair products.
In particular, Lavyl Hair effectively regenerates your hair roots to combat hair loss, treats your hair and scalp in all three layers and generally regenerates and soothes.

Enjoy the best care.

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