
We take it mostly "just" as part of a 2-ingredient detox, but as a "soloist" it is equally great!


What makes FF Solvyl drops unique?
They can find, collect and seamlessly remove heavy metals, toxins, inflammation and other harmful substances from the body by surrounding them and preventing them from reattaching elsewhere in the body and, most importantly, depositing them in the liver.

Instrumental measurement cannot understand the benefit of Solvyl FF because it does not directly act on the cells like other products. It "only" picks up the loose and free moving toxic components! Thus it indirectly helps our body to cleanse and harmonize itself.

New users of Lavylites products, mostly using only the basic Lavyl Auricum spray (which also helps the cells to get rid of harmful substances), sometimes experience e.g. headaches or rashes on their skin. Above all, this is a sign of insufficient lymphatic function, which cannot remove the pollutants quickly (use Lavyl Lymph spray to cleanse and agitate).

Quick help is just found in Solvyl FF - a few drops in a glass of water and drink.

Anything that has been released from storage and has begun to "poison" the body is stripped off in a flash, "taken into custody" and prepared for deportation out of the body.

Just as the "uni-spray" Lavyl Auricum is good to have on hand at all times, so Solvyl Fullflex will replace many pills in the medicine cabinet.

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