Preparation and recovery are important


History reminds us of the importance of preparation and regeneration.

But don't let your soul rust either.

Preparation and recovery are important

Two loggers were working in the woods. At sunset, the first woodcutter had only done half his work. But the second logger finished his work. They started working at the same time and the trees were the same size...

The first woodcutter couldn't believe his eyes.

- I don't understand - he grumbled angrily - you've been resting every hour and yet you're ahead!

- Yes, you saw right, I took a break every hour. But what you didn't see is that I also used the break to sharpen my axe - said the other woodcutter with a smile.

(Bruno Ferrero)

History reminds us of the importance of preparation and recovery.

But don't let your soul rust either.

Do these activities every day:

1. Rest, close your eyes and relax!

2. Go outside and exercise!

3. Hug the ones you love every day!

4. Celebrate when there's something to celebrate!

5. Be polite to everyone!

6. Smile!

7. Meditate!

8. Help those in need!

9. Look in the mirror and accept yourself!

10. Look around you and take in the beauty!

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