Do you suffer from insomnia?


Insomnia and lack of quality sleep cause problems for many people today.
Breathing exercises can be an effective help for those suffering from sleep disorders.

Do you suffer from insomnia?

One of the most popular exercises to improve sleep is the 4-7-8 method.

When you're scared or angry, you can almost feel the adrenaline rushing through your body. You can feel your heart beating faster, and you will also breathe faster. However, if you use the 4-7-8 technique, you will be able to take longer breaths and get a more balanced supply of oxygen into your body. When you hold your breath, oxygen flows through your entire body. Then, after a while, you will feel your heart beating normally and calmly, and your environment will also be slower and quieter.

This exercise will help you calm down in the shortest time and fall asleep quickly, even if you are excited or angry.

Here is the exercise sequence:

1. Lie on your back and breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds.
2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds, then breathe in and out for 4 seconds.
3. Finally, slowly exhale through the nose for 8 seconds.

Repeat the sequence until you feel calm.

In the meantime, create a calm and quiet environment for yourself: turn off the TV, radio, computer, put the phone away, and turn down strong lights.

And what we especially recommend: before going to bed, spray some Lavyl Auricum Sensitive in your bedroom space, then over your bed and on yourself! You will immediately feel its balancing, calming effect!

We wish you always a good and restful night.

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