Are you suffering from headaches?


Are you also among the 10-20 percent of the world's population who suffer from varying degrees of headaches or migraines at certain intervals?

Are you suffering from headaches?

A splitting headache, apart from being an unpleasant problem, can even have a serious impact on your daily routine and your work. What can you do to get through these critical hours and days with as little inconvenience as possible?

The causes of a headache or migraine can be many: stress, sleep problems, weather changes, irregular lifestyle, alcohol consumption, hormonal changes, dehydration or even strenuous physical work and excessive exercise.

Several studies have shown that not too strenuous training and regular adequate exercise, however, do contribute to headache relief and a reduction in migraine attacks.

According to experts, regular exercise helps the brain to release various hormones with anti-inflammatory effects, reduces the level of inflammation-causing hormones and increases the amount of beta-endorphin.

It is generally believed that the most effective way to relieve headaches is swimming, cycling, walking, yoga or moderate cardio exercise.

It is important that your exercise is not just an occasional idea, but a planned and regular activity. Get in shape to better withstand stress, and it will also be easier to avoid migraines!

From the proven Lavylites products for quick headache relief and general relaxation, use Lavyl Auricum or Lavyl Auricum Sensitive. Two to three spritzes on the head and back of the head and relief will come in a few moments. In case of great stress or pain, repeat the application after five minutes.

We wish you a peaceful and joyful autumn

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