What helps nerve cell renewal?


Is it possible to regenerate the brain?

What helps nerve cell renewal?

The renewal of neurons in the adult brain was for a long time considered an out of the question thing. Scientists believed that neurogenesis - the formation of neurons - was a matter of childhood and very young age, and that the neurons that disappear with age are not replaced by anything. Yet, since the 1960s, other views have emerged. In 1998, the theory of dying neurons being replaced by nothing was shown to be untrue. Neurogenesis also occurs in adulthood. After 2000, new and new findings emerged. It was shown that one of the important areas for the formation of new neurons is one part of the hippocampus, an area important, among other things, for human memory. And also that the new neurons that are being created are fully functional in an existing neural network.
What's really holding back neurogenesis? Above all, stress, depression and various psychoactive substances. All of which can temporarily stop it completely. Alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and other substances interfere with it. The loss or inhibition of neurogenesis has a negative effect on memory and other cognitive functions.
Neurogenesis, on the other hand, is positively affected by physical activity and active mental activity - basically any kind: reading, doing crosswords, various quizzes, meeting friends, hobbies, visiting a museum or exhibition, or even just taking a walk or swimming, dancing, cycling...

So the brain is capable of self-renewal. And not only that. The brain is constantly changing and adapting to the external environment, optimizing its activity according to the life conditions of its wearer. If it is damaged by an accident or a health event (for example, a stroke), it can transfer its functions to undamaged sections even from one hemisphere to another. A person can learn new things and form new habits at any age.
The brain is influenced by our everyday actions, the activities we put it through and our established habits. In order for its marvellous abilities to manifest themselves, man must be active and stimulate his brain in every possible way.

What is the most important stimulus for the formation of new neurons?
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