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The goal of Lavylites cosmetics is not to artificially remove signs of fatigue and stress from your face, like when you use make-up, but to make you really energetic and harmonious.
We don't just want you to look younger, we want you to really feel younger on the inside!
Our high-end cosmetics will not only help to address your visual side, but also your feelings and your psyche!
We often hear about the harmful effects of stress. Harmful effects generally mean the psychological problems that stress causes, in addition to high blood pressure, stomach irritation and chest pressure. However, very little is said about the dramatic impact of stress on the health of our skin.
Prolonged and untreated stress can cause tension, irritability, sleep disturbances and digestive problems, and can also affect the skin.
In addition, during periods of stress many people consume less fluid, preferring coffee and energy drinks. And this only makes the situation worse.
During periods of stress, the body's hormonal and nervous systems begin to function under the influence of nervousness, and in the case of prolonged and chronic stress, our immune system weakens. This reduces the internal supply of oxygen and blood to the skin, which can cause inflammation and various other problems on the skin surface (eg, blackheads, spots, acne). Problems such as redness can also occur, which can become permanent if stress is a part of our lives for an extended period of time.
How can you stop the process and beautify your skin?
The most important step is to identify the problem itself, for which it is usually worth seeking the help of a professional. Once the problem has been identified, the part of the process where you have to face your bad habits and try to change them can begin.
This is because complete recovery can only be achieved if you address both internal and external issues. This process is sometimes difficult, but each step is important, interesting and liberating.
For example, try our GEMMA PREVENT cream.
A cream that has been awarded as the world's most innovative anti-aging cream for sensitive, aging skin!
Lavylites = innovative quantum consciousness cosmetics that can actually slow down aging by acting holistically.