What is the STRONGEST ANTIOXIDANT IN NATURE and which of our products contain it - LAVYcosmetics.com


Hello, Dear Friends

Today we're going to talk:

What is nature's most powerful and effective antioxidant?

How to be and feel healthy.

And why do our products, Pentyll Heart and Orylium Bleu, contain such high doses of vitamin C?

What is the STRONGEST ANTIOXIDANT IN NATURE and which of our products contain it - LAVYcosmetics.com

In the formula in our products, the ingredients include VITIS VINIFERA - OPC, a concentrated grape seed extract of the highest quality. (OPC stands for "Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin".)

OPC is the most effective antioxidant nature has to offer!

This naturally occurring substance is found in many plants, mostly in the skin, kernels or stone, the parts we throw away, so even though we consume fruit that contains OPC, we are deficient in this substance.

The antioxidant OPC, is in Lavylites products (thanks to synergistic action):

- 18 times stronger than vitamin C alone !

- 40 times stronger than vitamin E alone !

The cause of most diseases is a lack of vital substances that the body cannot produce and is dependent on dietary intake.
This includes vitamin C and its cofactor OPC.
If the body has these substances available at all times, it can not only heal itself effectively, but also maintain its health and vitality.

The combination of vitamin C and OPC is a real elixir of youth for our body.

The process of combining oxygen with other chemical elements is called oxidation. Even our apparent aging is due in large part to it.

But oxidation is also accompanied by the formation of free radicals. Not only are they a major contributor to some diseases, but they are also primarily responsible for the ageing process to which we are all subject.
This process is programmed into our genes, but so is the optimal lifespan - around 130 years.

Premature aging is caused partly by free radicals, partly by telomere processing, and partly by the healthy cell membrane of our cells, which is strikingly similar to the composition of the brain.

It is here that the combination of vitamin C and the cofactor OPC is offered as an "effective means of regeneration".
For when there are many free radicals in the body, oxidative processes occur that aggressively damage cells. The result is disease, but especially premature aging.

This means that one can actually prolong one's life by using vitamin C and the cofactor OPC to keep free radicals at bay.

This will also reduce the formation of wrinkles, so the person will look younger on the outside as well.
Above all, however, it will make them feel great. And that's perhaps the most important thing.

OPCs prevent platelets from clumping together or getting stuck to the walls of veins. The strength and intactness of capillary blood vessels is a major factor in our health.
One is only as old as the condition of one's blood vessels, and here OPC can be a crucial preventive measure.
Even with varicose veins, it can be a major help. It also removes edema and swelling and slows down skin aging.

OPC also protects against sunlight by preventing the free radicals released by it.
It significantly improves brain function, helps with hay fever and stress.

OPC optimizes eyesight and is especially necessary for smokers, as smoking multiplies free radicals with all their harmful consequences.

It is very suitable and effective for any inflammation.

OPCs are found in high concentrations in red wine in particular, because red wine, unlike white wine, ferments with the skins, grains and stems and thus takes up OPCs.
Herein lies the secret of the popular "French paradox": people who regularly drink red wine live longer and are less likely to suffer heart attacks, despite the fact that alcohol itself is harmful to health.

The discovery of the action of OPCs could mean ensuring a significantly longer healthy life.
With higher levels of OPCs, our blood has significantly less fibrinogen, a clotting protein, because OPCs dissolve clots.
In addition, they lighten blood vessels and dilate them, thus lowering blood pressure.
In women, OPCs stimulate increased production of estrogen.

However, as with vitamin C, our body cannot produce OPC on its own, so it relies on a regular supply.
OPC cannot replace vitamin C either, but the two potentiate each other and can be an unbeatable team.
50 to 100 mg is recommended as a daily dose of OPC, and this amount can be increased without hesitation.
OPC is absorbed within a few minutes in the oral mucosa, and a few minutes later it is already detectable in the blood.
Because OPC has small molecules, it passes (like vitamin C) through barriers that other substances cannot, and so can act on the blood, brain and spinal cord.
As early as 24 hours after taking OPC, the resistance of blood vessels is greatly increased. And extremely importantly, OPC together with vitamin C always develops its beneficial effects in both 18-year-olds and 80-year-olds.

Protection against free radicals.

OPC is a mixture of substances with unique properties:

- It strengthens the whole body and especially the immune system, boosts performance and provides energy.
- It treats the skin and can even be very effective for respiratory ailments, sleep disorders and digestive problems.

How is it even possible that a single substance can eliminate so many different problems involving different parts of the body?
There is, in fact, one major trigger for most of our health problems. The cause is free radicals.
These damage cells, cell structures and DNA. There are a number of factors that cause free radicals to multiply at a high rate: nicotine, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, too much sun exposure, air conditioning, air pollution, ozone, medications, excess weight, illness and excessive physical activity such as elite sports.
If nature did not give us antioxidants or "radical scavengers", we would be at the mercy of free radicals.
With the help of these amazing substances, the body can effectively defend itself against the action of aggressive molecules. Antioxidants neutralize the invaders and convert them into harmless products of metabolism.
In this process, antioxidants are consumed. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a sufficient supply of them through food or nutritional supplements.

Beautiful skin thanks to OPCs.

Who wouldn't want to have glowing, smooth and toned skin until old age? It's almost every woman's dream.
OPC can help you get closer to this dream.
Dry, rough skin is already softer and smoother after just a few days of internal OPC use.
Even with allergies, neurodermatitis and impure skin, OPC has a positive, regenerative effect.
In addition, this mixture of substances protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals, which are, for example, excessively formed by UV radiation.
OPCs do not only visibly take care of the surface of the skin, but also the tissue under the skin remains smooth and elastic longer thanks to OPCs, because OPCs promote the synthesis of collagen, which is part of the tissue and prevents its damage.

Other uses of OPC:

during lymphatic drainage massages (recommended to be used during the entire bark), for fractures and burns (OPC improves the regenerative and healing abilities of the body), as a preventive measure recommended before planned surgery or tooth extraction, prevention against varicose veins and atherosclerosis.

We hope that you too will experience the effects of the purest form of OPC in our Pentyll Pulse and Orylium Bleu products.

Our dietary supplements:

Pentyll Pulse:

Orylium Bleu:

Haevyl Impulse:

Pentyll C-Guard:

VitaPenta Lady Gummies:

VitaPenta Multivitamin Gummies:

VitaPenta D3 Gummies:


Have a great weekend

Best regards


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